• Chemical Handling Solutions
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• Product List
- Reduce Workforce Exposure to Harmful Chemicals – Working with hazardous chemical additives is dangerous. Weighing the proper amount of these chemicals to high tolerances is time consuming and prolongs chemical handlers’ exposure, posing significant and ongoing risks to their health. Both production and EH&S managers want to reduce these risks and give all employees a safer working environment.
- HazMat Training and PPE - Our employees are well protected from health risks of toxic, corrosive, carcinogenic, or otherwise hazardous chemicals. They wear comprehensive personal protection equipment (PPE) affectionately known as “spacesuits”. This equipment includes full body protective gear with self contained, powered air-purifying systems. Every chemical handler attends rigorous & continuous hazardous chemical handling training under HM-126F & OSHA 29 CFR guidelines.
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality System - Handling hazardous chemicals requires a high degree of care and attention by skilled workers. To demonstrate this quality and the level of care our employees achieve, we formalized our policies and procedures into a registered ISO 9001:2015 quality system. We are registered and annually audited by Systems Certification Body (SCB), one of the nation’s leading accreditation agencies.
- Avoid Chemical Spills – Bulk chemical handling of heavy drums or totes is difficult and prone to accidents. ChemPak’s pre-weighed smaller individual packages nearly eliminate the risk of any spill while ensuring that any possible spill will be limited to a single package, not a drum. A spill can be dangerous, result in plant shutdowns, and be expensive to clean up. The legal issues associated with a hazardous spill can be long lasting and costly while tarnishing a company’s reputation for years.